How to Increase Sales for Senior Living Communities


Chris Young

How to Increase Sales for Senior Living Communities

The senior living market is poised to launch into extreme growth with the aging Baby Boomer population, however to reach this demographic, commensurate understanding nuance is needed to attract their business.

It is true that Baby Boomers represent a massive demographic, many of whom will need extra-familiar care at some point. However, while there are tens of millions of Boomers, they are also a generation that must be understood and impressed with the level of care given and the opportunities and experiences available to them. This presents many senior living centers with as many opportunities as it does challenges when it comes to increasing sales in this demographic. 

In order for senior living centers to grow the number of residents and increase their close rates, they must understand the overall market, use the right technology to reach seniors, and approach everything with a healthy dose of empathy.

Understanding the Senior Living Market

The current senior living market is no longer just about receiving adequate healthcare and having a comfortable bed. Seniors today want to feel like their choice in senior living accommodations is contributing to the legacy that they’ll be leaving behind. This realization should inform a large part of the sales process, making it more personal and recognizing that personal fulfillment is just as important as physical wellbeing.

Residents, however, are not the only decision makers when it comes to senior living choices. The immediate families of the residents tend to prioritize the amenities, care, and physical wellbeing of their parents and loved ones. Effective sales efforts must address all of these different considerations and explain clearly why their center is the best option to improve quality of life, alleviate caregiver stress, and provide the perfect blend of independence and support. 

Proven Sales Strategies for Senior Living Communities

The change in desires across generations has brought with it a change in sales techniques for senior living communities. The sales process must now be more relational and focused on the individual–his or her life, achievements, regrets, proudest moments, legacy, and more. Senior living sales reps should focus on building a relationship with the prospect by learning about them and creating a relational environment that can address the person’s needs and future hopes and ambitions. 

Whenever the prospect is answering the questions about their life, be sure to pay attention and engage with their answers. See if you can find common ground and relatability. When done right, this shouldn’t feel “salesy” at all, rather it should almost feel like meeting with an acquaintance over coffee to learn more about them.

Once you’ve established a working knowledge of the prospective resident, the next step is to address the tougher questions–what their fears are, their regrets, and their concerns. This will give you as a sales person a deep look into the objections that exist with the resident at both a cognitive and emotional level. Make sure you address these concerns and how your senior living center can alleviate some of the biggest worries. Remember that the person you’re conversing with is a real human being with 60-80 years of building their life to be exactly how they want it. Now, at an old age, they’re considering one of the biggest changes they’ll ever face and this can be scary and disconcerting. Keeping this in mind during the sales process will help you empathize with the human in front of you and close the sale.

Lead Generation for Senior Living

Lead generation for senior living centers is a well worn path that requires a firm understanding of the latest digital marketing techniques.

The first thing to prioritize with lead generation for senior living is the digital presence of your center–the website. This will be the first impression that many future residents and their immediate families will have, so the information, the visuals, the copy, and the experience must be nothing short of excellent. The website also acts as the container into which all of your leads will funnel, further highlighting the importance of a beautiful, functional, and high-converting website.

PPC for Senior Living

PPC for senior living centers is one of the highest-yield options because of the targeting capabilities and the high-ROI allowed by the nature of the product. PPC allows centers to target prospects with precision across different demographic factors such as age, location, and personal preferences. PPC works by paying for ad placement when a given search query is executed under certain parameters. When these parameters are met, the prospect is shown an advertisement that will take them to your website or landing page to get more information and take action.


SEO achieves the same ends that PPC does but comes with additional balancing factors. PPC is immediate but requires consistent investment to maintain visibility. SEO on the other hand takes a while to establish, but once the SERP rank is achieved, it’s easy (and nearly free) to maintain. SEO has three major components–technical SEO, content, and backlinks. For senior living centers to take full advantage of all the benefits of SEO, we recommend developing a strategy that encompasses these three pillars.

Sales Training and Performance Improvement

Sales techniques, industry trends, and customer service best practices are constantly changing so it’s important to keep the sales team updated and well-equipped to handle new challenges Regular training helps salespeople stay informed about the latest methods to engage prospects, understand the shifting dynamics of the senior living market, and deliver exceptional customer service. This not only improves their confidence and competence but also enhances the overall performance of the senior living community.

Tracking Sales Performance

As a rule of thumb, any metrics that can be tracked should be tracked–this includes conversion rates, response rates, close rates, and where prospects tend to “fall off” during the sales journey. Regularly monitoring these metrics provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the sales process. When analyzing the data produced by these metrics, communities can identify areas that need improvement and tailor training programs to address specific gaps.

Setting Realistic Targets

Setting realistic and achievable sales targets is fundamental to maintaining a motivated and productive sales team. Targets should be based on historical performance data, market conditions, and individual sales reps' capabilities. It's important to strike a balance between challenging goals that push the team to excel and attainable targets that prevent burnout and frustration. Clear, measurable objectives help salespeople understand what is expected of them and focus their efforts on achieving these goals.

Regular Reviews and Feedback Sessions

Regular reviews and feedback sessions are essential for maintaining a high-performing sales team. Scheduled one-on-one meetings between sales managers and team members provide opportunities to discuss performance, address challenges, and celebrate successes. Constructive feedback also helps salespeople understand their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. Additionally, these sessions can be used to revisit sales targets, adjust strategies, and ensure alignment with the overall goals of the senior living community.

Motivating the Sales Team

Motivation is key to sustaining a dynamic and effective sales team. Recognizing and rewarding achievements, whether through financial incentives, public recognition, or career advancement opportunities, can significantly boost morale and drive performance. Creating a supportive and collaborative environment where salespeople feel valued and empowered encourages them to strive for excellence. Regular team-building activities and professional development opportunities also contribute to a positive and motivating workplace culture.


The senior living market is poised to explode with growth in the coming years so learning to ace the sales process now is crucial for senior living communities to succeed into the future. This involves carefully evaluating and integrating tactics such as pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization, all supported by a strong digital presence. Collaborating with a specialized senior living digital marketing agency like Be More Digital can streamline this process, reducing the need for an in-house marketing team and accelerating success. 

Contact Be More Digital today to discover how we can help your senior living community achieve consistent and predictable growth, or explore our senior living case studies to see examples of our successful campaigns.

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